Discovery and documentation of the business Culture
This is the “right bus” half of the Right Bus, Right Seat equation
This starts with the executive team and will create a clear and measurable methodology to build a healthy culture
Used in the hiring and on-boarding of all new employees
Used to evaluate continued fit with the company
Agile transformation / reinvigoration
Focuses on the Agile Mindset and what it means to “be” Agile not just “do” Agile
Business value delivery is the primary measure of success of an Agile Culture
Clear metric definition and adoption
Understanding and Documenting clear lines of singular accountability
This is the “right seat” half of the Right Bus, Right Seat equation
Not the same as an org chart which tracks authority and HR responsibility
Gives clarity of role starting at the executive level and cascades outward
Restructuring the Organization
This is the org chart that joins accountability with lines of authoritative decision making
Specifically focuses on voice of the customer
Facilitates/reacts to M&A activities to reduce overhead and balance people with new priorities
Facilitates/react to significant product focus changes to ensure the correct talent is on board and balanced correctly across all departments (right bus / right seat)
Identification and documentation of known processes
This is the starting point for any process improvement which can mean reduction and/or removal of outdated processes
Create clear and concise communication of core processes to drive adoption by all
Process enhancement for change management
Facilitates/reacts to a move to focus on voice of the customer
Facilitates/reacts to M&A activities to correct process redundancies and/or conflicting processes
Creation of process evaluation loops to update process in times of steep growth or change
Corporate goal creation
Goal setting starting at the executive level
How to create goals at every level without falling into the “they must cascade” trap
Goal adoption and accountability which ties directly to role accountability
Goal shifts in rapid growth or change environments
Flexibility without loss of accountability
Energizing a healthy and empowered team
Creating the “process” of goal setting and accountability
Physical Location Evaluation / Buildout
Product and departmental analysis for new location
Budget management
Foreign Entity Setup
Vendor management